
X-rays use low-level radiation to capture images of your chest & bones.

X-ray imaging is the fastest and easiest way to view and assess broken bones, such as skull fractures and spine injuries.

Heart conditions, blood clots, and gastrointestinal conditions are just a few of the problems that can be identified by diagnostic imaging. Digital X-ray helps us to get high resolution images with best clarity.

Diagnostic X-ray, is a special method for taking pictures of areas inside the body. A machine focuses a small amount of radiation on the area of the body to be examined. The X-rays pass through the body, creating an image on film or a computer display. Vcare diagnostic X-ray Centre in Kandivali procedures allow physicians and specialists to make accurate diagnoses and prescribe targeted treatments and therapies for a wide range of conditions, from the simple to the complex.


An Intravenous Pyelography (IVP) / Intravenous Urography (IVU) is an X-ray test that provides pictures of the kidneys, the bladder and the ureters.

An IVP/IVU can show the size, shape, and position of the urinary tract (urinary tract), and it can evaluate the collecting system inside the kidneys. During IVP/IVU, a dye called contrast material is injected into a vein in your arm. A series of X-ray pictures is then taken at timed intervals. IVP/IVU is commonly done to identify diseases of the urinary tract, such as kidney stones , tumors, or infection. It is also used to look for problems with the structures of the urinary tract that were present from birth (congenital).
Note: Fasting of 10-12 hours with adequate bowel preparation is required. The test is done only on appointment basis.


A Hysterosalpingogram (IVP) / (HSG) is a X-ray test that looks at the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes and the area around them.


It often is done for women who are having a hard time becoming pregnant (infertile). During a Hysterosalpingogram, a dye (contrast material) is put through a thin tube that is put through the vagina and into the uterus. Because the uterus and the fallopian tubes are hooked together, the dye will flow into the fallopian tubes. Pictures are taken using a steady beam of X-ray as the dye passes through the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Note: The test is performed strictly on appointment basis which is given between 7th to 10th day of your cycle.

X-Ray Fistulogram:

A fistulogram is a way of outlining any small track or wound, usually opening onto the skin, by injecting an X-ray dye (contrast medium) through a fine tube placed in the opening. Serial Xrays are taken following this.


A Retrograde Urethrography (RGU) is a diagnostic procedure done via the retrograde injection of radiopaque contrast into the urethra and taking X rays centre in Kandivali. It is performed most commonly in male patients to diagnose urethral pathology such as trauma to the urethra or urethral stricture.


01. For x-ray fasting is not required but for lumber spine or kub x-ray if we do in 12 hrs fasting it will be good. So may be we can take xray first n if it has not come proper then ask pt to come fasting again.

02. X-ray IVP required 12hr fasting and appoinment

03. One day before one medicine have to take medicine: 2tabgerbisa hs (in the night before sleeping) and serumcreatinine blood report is required.

04. X-ray barium meal follow 12 hr fasting is required have to take take medicine: 2tab Gerbisa HS (in the night before sleeping).


Why should you choose us?



Vcare imaging & diagnostics offers experience and expertise in all types of diagnostic X-rays, including technologies and techniques that might not be available at other medical facilities.


1.Pathologist and Radiologist doctor round the clock
2. We are equipped with advance technology which provide true digital x-rays
3. We provide unparalleled image quality and drastically lower the radiation exposure to the patient
4. A soft copy of the report will also be emailed to you within estimated time
5. Fully automated laboratory and Health Checkup Packages at affordable prices

Our Lab Certification

Get One Step Ahead Of Disease


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