A breast biopsy test is a simple medical procedure in which a sample of breast tissue is removed and sent to a laboratory for testing.

A breast biopsy Test in Kandivali is the best way to evaluate if a suspicious lump or portion of your breast is cancerous.

It’s important to remember that breast lumps aren’t always cancerous. There are several conditions that can cause lumps or growths in the breast. 

Why a breast biopsy is performed

A Breast Biopsy Test in Kandivali is typically performed to investigate a lump in the breast. Most breast lumps are noncancerous.

Your doctor will usually order a biopsy if they are concerned about the results of a mammogram or breast ultrasound, or if a lump was found during a physical exam.

A biopsy may also be ordered if there are changes in your nipple, including:

  • bloody discharge
  • crusting
  • dimpling skin
  • scaling

These are all symptoms of a tumor in the breast.B

Imaging & Diagnostic
How a breast biopsy is performed

Before the breast biopsy, your doctor will examine your breast. This could include:

  • a physical examination
  • an ultrasound
  • a mammogram
  • an MRI scan

During one of these tests, your doctor may place a thin needle or wire into the area of the lump so the surgeon can easily find it. You’ll be given local anesthesia to numb the area around the lump.

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